Turin Acro Cup


The Official Link of the 10th Turin Acro Cup live streaming is https://www.twitch.tv/turinacrocup

Please be wary of fake links.

The Official Live Scoring link is http://punteggi.acroitalia.info/sggscore/

All our links are free and open, you don't need to register and/or pay anything.

Do you want to enjoy the Turin Acro Cup live at Palazzetto dello Sport "Gianni Asti" in Torino next July? HERE is the link to book your free ticket*. 

*Without a ticket it won't be possible to enter the venue. 

Turin Acro Cup 2024 - Competition Schedule.pdf

Planning to visit turin?

Turin Acro Cup is an event that drives in our city not only the gymnasts and the delegates but also supporters and familes. We would like to share with you the contact of the travel agency that support us to help you in your visit of our country. You can just ask them any suggestion or even book hotel, tours or any experience you'd like to have once in Turin. 

FYI competition on Sunday will probably end around 6PM, awards will take about half an hour, so between 6.30PM to 7.00PM it's planned to close the competition. The last session will involve the Youth (12-18), Junior and Senior. 
Please consider it as a provisional schedule because it will depends on definitive numbers.

Rita Latorre

+393487471340 (Whatsapp me)

Time is over

The Official Invitation of the X° Turin Acro Cup 2024 is finally out. We have published the Definitive Entry Form and it's available the Entry Form App to be filled in from your smartphone HERE

If you have any question please don't hesitate to contact us and please, SHARE as much as possible. We are sure it will be the very best Turin Acro Cup we'll ever had. 

[ENG] Turin Acro Cup 2024 - Official Invitation.pdf


Confirming you the next edition will be held from July 5th to 7th, we would like to ask you a bit more time of patience because we are still waiting to receive definitive prices from bus and hotel companies to define all the details in the official invitation. 

Results turin acro cup 2023

Finally, like in every bedtime stories, the Turin Acro Cup 2023 is now over. We will keep on posting on social media a lot of back stage photos to remember together this great experience. 

Please have a look to the results in the pdf below and thank you for joining us this year hoping to meet all of you next year. 

Don't forget that the challenge "We Bet on You" is active. Gymnasts that competed in 2023 edition that will earn a medal at Europeans or Worlds will receive a discount in 2024 accommodation. 

Good luck everyone for your next competitions!!!


MEDIA Accreditation

Need a media accreditation? please fill in your request using the following link 


We're sure you're going to enjoy with us.

TO Delegations...

First of all thank you for your trust. It's going to be one of the biggest Turin Acro Cup ever with more than 250 athletes, 28 clubs from 12 countries. 

You will receive on your email, in about a week/ten days maximum, a few documents:

Tickets are out, now!

We are very glad to announce that tickets are now available on the Event Brite platoform and you can now buy them for free, or you can even choose to donate the amount you feel and you can (we will put all of our effort in any case). 

Please use a valid email address because you will receive ticket by email, as pdf attachement, with a QR code that we will scan to validate your entrance.

The link to the tickets is https://www.eventbrite.it/e/622293024187

Let's get the party started!

Finally definitive entry form is out and you can fill them in clicking HERE

14 different countries have sent their interest in joining us this summer and we're really excited to probably have the biggest Turin Acro Cup this year.

Just a few information for you, answering to some question:

2023 Official invitation

Dear friends,

finally the Official Invitation is out and we're very proud to share it with you below. Feel free to share it with everyone who may be interested in joining us. We would also like to ask you to fill in the provisional entry form HERE


Waiting for the official invitation...

...we would like to give you a few information regarding the 2023 edition.

Competition will be held from July 7th to July 9th, arrivals can be scheduled from July 5th and training session on July 5th and 6th


The competition will be held at Palazzetto dello Sport “Gianni Asti” (https://goo.gl/maps/eR77SvpTfXbt7bSt5)


You can book your hotel by your own or book through the OC (booking through the OC is not compulsory)


Booking through the OC full board, local transportation and transfer from/to Turin airport will be included in the accomodation package.

We are going to confirm the same prices as last year

Class A hotel

Single room - 160 Euro per night per person

Double room – 120 Euro per night per person

Triple room – 105 Euro per night per person


Class B hotel

Single room – 130 Euro per night per person

Double room – 105 Euro per night per person

Triple room – 95 Euro per night per person


Entry fee will cost 50 Euro per gymnast


You can compete in

Youth – 8 to 16 years old (11-16 combined)

Age Group 1 – 8 to 17 years old (FIG 11-16 programme)

Age Group 2 – 9 to 19 years old (FIG 12-18 programme)

Junior – 10 to 20 years old (FIG junior programme)

Senior – min 12 years old (FIG senior programme)

No difference in age control, only minimum and maximum age limits.


You can also join to the Turin Acro League, a compulsory routine judged only in execution, a challenge 1vs1 way of competition (see to programme below)

Youth can join to HP2 level for free

HP1 – 8 to 14 years old

HP2 – 8 to 15 years old

Both HP1 and HP2 with no more than 4 years difference


Don’t forget about the “We bet on you challenge”, details below.


Last to know, if you’re not booking through the OC you can buy extra meals in the same competition restaurant, 15 Euro each (even for parents travelling by their own if you want they join you sometimes).

If needed we can give you price for transfer from/to Turin, Milan Malpensa, Milan Linate or Milan Bergamo airports.


Welcome party will be held on Friday or Saturday evening and it will costs 20 Euro each person if you’ve booked through the OC, 30 Euro each person if you’ve booked by your own.

Very soon we will publish the official invitation and the definitive and nominative entry form. 

April 21 - Provisional entry
May 19 - Definitive entry (30% accomodation package + 100% entry fee + 100% no judge fee)
June 16 - Nominative entry


We are launching a challange to all acrobats and clubs. 

If you will compete in 2023 Turin Acro Cup and if you will win a medal in whatever age group or discipline in 2023 Europeans or 2024 Worlds you will receive a discount in the accomodation package in 2024 Turin Acro Cup. 

You will have right to receive the discount as athlete, not as unit. So, even if after worlds you will change your partnership, you will receive, as medalist, the discount as single person. 

Gold medalists will receive an 80% discount

Silver medalists will receive a 50% discount

Bronze medalists will receive a 30% discount

Soon we'll publish the official invitation, stay tuned.

Turin acro league is born

Using HP1 and HP2 FIG Development and Competition Programme, we are produ to announce our Turin Acro League. We are going give to the younger gymnasts a way to present their routine multiple times during a single event.

It will be held during the Turin Acro Cup, from July 7th to 9th 2023. 

Please read the pdf below and join us next summer.

Any further question, just click on contact us or comment the facebook post clicking here

TAL HP1 HP2 Programme and competition format.pdf

save the date, 2023 ed. is set

From July 7th to 9th 2023 in Turin, Palazzo dello Sport "Gianni Asti" (former Pala Ruffini)

Competition Programme

Youth: combined routine using 11-16 compulsory tables – Final score sum of Q and F score

Age Group 1: 11-16 FIG programme – Finals starts from zero

Age Group 2: 12-18 FIG programme – Final score sum of B+D+C

Junior: Junior FIG programme – Final score sum of B+D+C

Senior: Senior FIG programme – Final score sum of B+D+C

Age Limits

Youth: from 8 to 16 – no size penalty

Age Group 1: from 8 to 16 - no size penalty

Age Group 2: from 9 to 18

Junior: from 10 to 19

Senior: from 13 years old

Competition schedule

Friday, July 8th 2022

15:15 Opening Ceremony and Q1 Age Group 1
16:45 Opening Ceremony and Q1 Age Group 2, Junior and Senior

Saturday, July 9th 2022

14:30 Opening Ceremony and Q1 Youth
17:00 Q2 Age Group 1
18:20 Q2 Age Group 2, Junior and Senior

Sunday, July 10th 2022

10:30 Age Group 2, Junior and Senior FINALS
12:45 Age Group 1 FINALS
14:30 Youth FINALS

Nominative entry form

Now it's time for the nominative entry forms (rev.1.1 uploaded now)

If needed you can ask for extra meals at the official competition restaurant (5 min away from the gymhall, just accross the park). 

You all be welcome to our party on Saturday evening and if needed, we can manage a transportation to it and back to your hotel (even if you're not booking through the OC).

ready for 2022 edition

Yes, we did it. We have all the permissions for the 2022 edition. We are now working on details and HERE you can find the Official Invitation. We will be ready to host the competition regularly. 

Right now covid rules permit to have public during the competition events with FFP2 masks and green pass received only with vaccination or covid heailng pcr test. We cannot confirm it will be going to be the same in July (but it seems it's going to be better and better).

Mainly, the most important information are:

5 categories

Arrivals on July 6th, departure on July 11th. 

Free training (by schedule) on July 6th, Podium training (by schedule) on July 7th, competition from 8th to 10th.

If possible, Welcome Party on July 8th.

Turin airport transfer, local transportation and meals inlcuded in the accomodation package.

We are waiting for you. Use the Contact Us page to request further information and go the Entry form to find the excel file to download and send.

A short update

First of all we would like to thank you all the people interested in competing in Turin next summer. 

We are working hard since last September to try have a 2022 edition of our Turin Acro Cup (July 8th to 10th) but we are needing a lot of permission than in the past from many different authorities. We hope to have the chance to publish the official invitation very soon. Keep looking for updates.

covid is winning this fight but won't win the war

Dear friends, we are sad to announce that 2021 edition will be cancelled. Plus all the restriction for travelling and all the safety request to schedule a competition, we were informed by the city of Turin that the Gymhall where we usually host the Turin Acro Cup will be closed from May to September for renovation.
Plus to everything, if not enough, new government rules says that everyone who would enter the gym will need a negative result to a quick covid test no later tha 48 hours before the competition or training days. It would means to have at least 3 quick covid tests each person who would compete to the tac to have the 2 training days + the 3 competition days covered by the negative outcome.  

We will keep the form open to receive all your interest in competing in Turin for next editions hoping that worldwide vaccination campaing will turn things to better soon.

Keep on working, harder and stronger. Stay safe.

some updates

Right now, March 4th 2021, we are working to make it happen as scheduled. Italian laws would permit us to schedule it but with a lot of burocracy behind. Laws changes monthly here and is quite impossible to predict how the situation will change in the next months. 

We decide to choose the end of May as deadline to make a definitive decision about the competition, if do it or not. So before that deadline please don't pay for anything, no flight, no entry fee, no accomodation, nothing.

We will keep you informed about everything. In the meanwhile we will be pleased to collect your interest in competing in Turin receiving your Entry Form


July 9th to July 11th 2021

Torino, Italia

News of the 2021 edition is the "We bet on you" discount.
If you are going to compete in World's (both Age Group or Senior)

Gold medalist will have a 100% accommodation discount

Silver medalist will have a 50% accommodation discount

Bronze medalist will habe a 30% accommodation discount

2020 edition update

Dear friends, 

we are sorry to announce that 2020 edition will be postponed. We really hope to have the chance to manage the 2020 edition before the end of the year; it would means that thing would have turned in very good for all of us. 

Keep following us for any updates about. 

Looking forward to meet you all soon and we all wish you health and luck.